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eControl – 1 measure (100/250V)

The eControl series of controllers have been designed and developed to be used in wellness centers, home, and public swimming pools.


The eControl series of controllers have been designed and developed to be used in wellness centers, home, and public swimming pools.

For any questions or recommendation, please call 1-727-443-5404 or chat with us.

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Item Number: CXB7000101

1 measure - 100/250V The principal functions performed by the eControl are: • Sensor calibration: 0.00 to 14.00 “pH”, -1000 to +1400 mV “Redox”, 0 to 2, 0 to 20, 0 to 200 ppm (Cl), 0 to 2, 0 to 20, 0 to 200 ppm (Ion-selective sensor of for a specific chemical) • Temperature control definition: automatic (connection to PT100 sensor) or manual (default 25°C) • 2 set points for each measure input • Type of intervention (direct or inverse) • Hysteresis • ON/OFF or proportional activation mode • Delay time of the pump activation • MAX alarm, for maximum measure • MIN alarm, for minimum measure • Over alarm, indicates an overdose situation. This is activated when the defined set point value is not reached in a predetermined time • 4 - 20 mA output, galvanically isolated • Relay output for signaled alarm status

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